About Us

About Louisa
Dog Trainer
Louisa Morrissey is the owner and founder of High Country Dogs, formerly known as Skijor-n-More.
As a proud member of the Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training team, she has been hand selected by Victora Stilwell.
Victoria Stilwell is a world renowned dog trainer and host of the popular Animal Planet series “It’s Me or theDog”. From this platform she educates the public about the power of positive reinforcement dog training techniques as well as the dangers and ineffectiveness of traditional dominance based philosophies. As a team, all of the VSPDT trainers promote humane force free methods of dog training which result in a human/dog relationship based in mutual respect and trust. As a VSPDT team member, I am able to offer my clients safe, effective, humane, and up to date positive reinforcement based dog training.
In addition to being a VSPDT trainer, Louisa is a member of the Pet Professional Guild of Non Force Trainers and a volunteer with Western Border Collie Rescue.
You & Your Dog
Let us help you build a strong relationship with your dog.
Call us at (970) 406-0158 or email